Helping your Dog Get Through that Thunderstorm

May 11, 2017
helping your dog through the tunderstorm

Dogs are members of the family and it can often be troubling to see them afraid of things that aren’t likely to hurt them. Vacuum cleaners and musical instruments become parts of our daily lives, yet they can be terrifying to pets. A major source of fear and anxiety in dogs is thunderstorms. This is more »

8 Fun Things You Can Do With Your Dog

April 27, 2017

A dog will love you forever and you want to do your best for them. Whether you’ve just brought home a new pup or have had a dog for years, there are tons of fun and exciting things you can do with them besides sitting on the couch. Here’s a quick list of 10 great more »

5 Important Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool During the Summer Heat

April 24, 2017

If you are a dog lover, then you most likely want to keep him or her safe during the hot heat of the summer. With summer approaching us, you might be wondering what your options are in order to keep your beloved dog comfortable. In case you work all throughout the day and only see more »

Teaching your Dogs to Get Along with Other Dogs

March 20, 2017

Who doesn’t love a huddle of warm infant puppy bodies, all clustered around Mom nursing and snoozing? This image of domestic canine bliss is an easy one to get attached to – and begin to expect, even when no dog training has yet taken place. As long as the puppies’s bread is clearly buttered on more »