Training Your Dog to Greet Guests Politely

March 17, 2017
Greeting visitors

Golden and Lakewood residents love their dogs and they want their guests to love them too. This is difficult to achieve when the pet mauls people (even lovingly) at the door every time they arrive or pesters them endlessly during the visit. It is not just an annoying behavior but can be dangerous as well. more »

Sunny Days at Pet Peeves

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March 6, 2017

Keeping Your Dog Safe in the Spring

February 23, 2017
keeping your dogs safe in the spring

Keeping your Dog Safe in the Spring Though we are still in the midst of winter, before you know it, the snow will be melting and the flowers will be blooming. That’s right, springtime is just around the corner. Spring is the perfect season to get outside and get moving. This goes for both you more »

Give Your Dog a Job


According to strong>National Geographic, people owe dogs a great deal. While popular culture prefers to assume that humans domesticated dogs, new research suggests that perhaps it was the dogs that domesticated people. In other words, the early dogs (or dog-wolves) that offered the friendliest approach and were most adept at reading human facial expressions and more »